Tuesday, 5 November 2013


Hello. Thank you for coming to visit this website. It showcases the dissertation it completed for my degree in BA (Hons) Youth Work & Community Development. I originally uploaded this dissertation to another blog but it was linked to my university student email account, consequently when I graduated I lost the student email account, as well as anything which was associated with it. Fortunately I was able to retrieve a hard copy of the research, unfortunately however it didn't contain the bibliography, therefore I have lost the references.

The research itself has citations so if you are curious about any of my sources please feel free to get in contact with me at: ab.7.1888@gmail.com and I will locate the original sources.

You can use the links on the right to navigate to different chapters within the research. 

The dissertation was written with the narrative that it is an ever changing topic. Because of this, there may be parts which are now out of date, or updated since I read the original research. In light of this, if you have any comments, feedback or ideas to contribute around the topics discussed please feel free to comment.

Digital youth work and how young people can use it continues to fascinate me so I hope to upload more articles, thoughts and ideas of my own that I come across, in the hope that I can inspire the reader to do the same.

I hope you enjoy reading my research, please feel free to comment.

Best Regards

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